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Showing posts from April, 2019

Shooting Star

Shooting Star is the quintessential blonde-haired, blue-eyed, rough-and-tumble, bronco-bustin’ Texas rodeo gal. Combining the flawless aim of Hawkeye with the dauntless courage of Captain America, she is the heart and soul of the Western superhero team called the Rangers. In her first appearance in Incredible Hulk #265, Shooting Star was presented as a brash but highly competent sharpshooter, whose pistols had been tricked out by her father to fire special paralyzing bullets. She and her partner Texas Twister leave the rodeo circuit to answer a distress call from Rick Jones. Together with other western-themed heroes, they faced down a mind-controlled Hulk and establish the Rangers.  Besides her modified pistols, Shooting Star’s creators clearly intended her to have the power of flight. Artist Sal Buscema shows her flying in multiple panels, and writer Bill Mantlo expressly mentions her “stellar powers.” (It’s also right there in her name, which was originally a pun—she is a w


Blastaar is a powerful interdimensional warlord created by Marvel founding fathers Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. From his base in the Negative Zone, Blastaar has been a persistent threat to Earth’s heroes for over 50 years. He has definitely earned a spot in the Classic Marvel Figurine Collection. Most of Blastaar’s early appearances follow the main lines established in his first appearance in Fantastic Four #62 from May 1967: a portal to the Negative Zone somehow opens (usually due to Reed Richard tinkering around in his lab), Blastaar comes through and begins rampaging on Earth, and a group of heroes must assemble to beat him back. Usually this falls on the Fantastic Four's shoulders, but many other heroes have battled him as well, including the X-Men, Avengers, Inhumans, and even the New Warriors.                       Blastaar's main characteristics are strength, durability, energy blasts, and announcing his name to everyone. While defeating Blastaar is never exactly e